A Simple Residence Card Renewal Japan Guide For Foreigners

Any foreign national with a residence card in Japan knows that they don't last forever. There is an expiration date.
We created this guide to help you prepare for your residence card renewal in Japan.
When can I renew my Japanese residence card?
The earliest you can renew your Japanese residence card depends on your current residence status.
The residence renewal application is as follows:
Permanent resident → 2 months before the expiration date
Persons residing with other residence status → 3 months before the expiration date
For those under 16 years old, if your residence card is valid until your 16th birthday or until the expiration date of your period of stay, whichever comes first. If it's the former, you can renew your residence card 6 months before you turn 16.
How to renew your residence card in Japan
1. Know when your residence card expires.

⑨ and ⑩ shows a Japanese residence card's expiration date.
The front of your residence card, near the middle, will show the period and the expiration date.
In the example above, the period of stay is 4 years and 3 months, with the expiration date being October 20th, 2018.
You can renew your Japanese residence card up to 3 months before it expires.
2. Prepare the necessary documents.
The most basic documents you need to renew your residence card in Japan are:
Renewal of residence card validity period application form (PDF )
1 photo of yourself (4 cm x 3 cm)
Passport or Certificate of Residence (住民票, juminhyo)
Your current residence card
Revenue stamp (収入印紙, shunyu inshi): this stamp is a fee when you renew a residence card. 4,000 yen is normal for a visa change or renewal—8,000 for permanent residence applications.
Any additional documents are dependent on your residence status. For example, all the necessary documents will be different for those under a Business Manager Visa vs. an Artist Visa. Some common necessary documents include an employment certificate, recent pay stubs, a tax payment certificate, and a marriage certificate.
Please check the Ministry of Justice's application documents for each residence status for more detailed information.
3. Visit the immigration office to submit your documents.
If possible, make an appointment with your local immigration bureau office to avoid a long wait time.
When you arrive, submit your documents to the immigration office. The immigration officer will process your paperwork, make necessary copies of your passport and residence card, and provide you with any additional information if needed.
Then, they will hand you a postcard on which you will write your address. This postcard will be sent in about 2 weeks to inform you when your new residence is ready.
4. Wait for your new residence card
Receiving your new residence card can take about 2 to 4 weeks.
While waiting for your new residence card, the back and bottom right corner of your old residence card will have a stamp stating that you are currently renewing your stay or changing your residence status.

⑬ Permission application column for renewal of the period of stay, etc.
5. Go to the immigration office to pick up your new residence card
The immigration office will send you a postcard stating that your new residence card is ready to be picked up.
Bring your current residence card, which will be exchanged for your new one.
Before leaving, double-check the valid period and new expiration date.
Congrats, you've just renewed your residence card!
Frequently asked questions
How do you renew your residence card in Japan?
Visit your nearest immigration office to renew your Japanese residence card. See if you can make an appointment to avoid long wait times.
How long does it take to renew a zairyu card?
It can take about 2-3 weeks to renew your zairyu card after you submit the necessary documents.
Can I keep my residence card when I leave Japan?
Yes, you can. When you leave Japan, you will hand your residence card to the Immigration Officer at the airport. Most of the time, they will punch a hole through it, making it invalid.
In closing
Renewing your residence card in Japan is straightforward when you are well-prepared.
If you have any specific questions or concerns, always consult with your local immigration office or refer to the official resources provided by the Japanese Ministry of Justice and the Immigration Services Agency.
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